September 17, 2021
Canal Shores User Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct applies to all users of Canal Shores, including golfers, walkers, joggers, birdwatchers, volunteers, dog walkers, football parkers and tailgaters, event attendees, bicyclists, families with children and cross-country skiers. All other activities are prohibited on Canal Shores unless permission to conduct them is expressly given by the General Manager, an Officer of Canal Shores, or their designated representative.
All users, knowing the hazards golf balls present, must take precautions to guard themselves from golf balls and stay clear of golfers at play. They assume the risk of use when golfers are at play.
All users must be courteous and respectful to each other and to the Canal Shores staff. Everyone must follow any directions or requests from the staff without argument. Should someone have a disagreement with or complaint about a staff member, that person should politely discuss it with the golf course’s General Manager or send an email to
All users have the right to an environment that is free from abusive, threatening and/or obscene language or language that is offensive to another person’s race, gender, age or sexual orientation.
All users must wear a shirt and shoes and otherwise be properly clothed on the golf course and on Canal Shores’ property at all times.
Canal Shores reserves unto itself the right to determine in its sole discretion whether a user of the course engages in unacceptable conduct or uses unacceptable language and reserve the right to ban any user from the course for such conduct or language.
It is a privilege for non-golfers to be permitted to use Canal Shores for free. They must recognize that golfers pay to use the course and that GOLFERS HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY.
Non-golfers must be diligent about the whereabouts of golfers on the course and should be vigilant about golf balls in play and errant golf balls. Non–golfers should use the sides of the course and not walk down the center of the fairway. They should step to the side of the course and let the golfers hit. Whenever possible, they should walk in the opposite direction of play and wait when they see a golfer preparing to hit a shot.
Golfers must be mindful of the presence of non-golfers on the course. Golfers are expected to exercise the highest degree of sportsmanship, etiquette, caution and considerations of others – refraining from horseplay, carelessness or reckless behavior. They should not hit a shot when it might be dangerous to others on the course, be they golfers or non-golfers. They should YELL FORE LOUDLY when they hit a shot that might approach any other person on the course.
Golfers need to be aware that several holes on the golf course contain walking paths in the wooded areas and down by the canal, which are hidden from view. Their obligation to yell fore includes when they hit a ball that goes into the woods or off the course.
Golfers also need to observe the course’s errant ball policy: each golfer is responsible for their golf shot and the damage their ball causes. If a golfer knows or suspects his/her shot struck a person or property, he/she must notify the Pro Shop immediately. In an emergency, the golfer should call 911. (Note that when the identity of the golfer responsible for an errant shot is known, the golf course staff will try to facilitate polite interaction and cooperation between the responsible golfer and injured party. The staff will also take reasonable steps to help an injured party identify the party responsible for the errant shot if the responsible party has not come forward.)
The use of an unmanned aerial vehicle (a/k/a drone) is not allowed on the course unless express permission has been granted by the General Manager or an Officer of Canal Shores.
Dog walkers also need to observe the Canal Shores’ Dog Policy [].